Being an educator is difficult enough without the added burden of taking care of the daily attendance logs. There are teachers who swear by this method, but what if there was a better way? This article is dedicated to educators who need to get out of the time sink due to taking and maintaining attendance. If you are still using paper attendance sheets, you are making things harder for yourself.
As a teacher, I am used to doing the attendance by hand. Why should I switch to Time Clock Wizard?
Because Time Clock Wizard is not just any payroll time clock software. The best part of working is getting paid, unless you’re the one calculating the attendance. The weekly, biweekly, or monthly mountain of paperwork is not only a huge hassle, but a major cost to your freedom. Attendance management results in lost time that could be better spent managing other tasks and problems. Inevitable errors take time and attention to correct. See more here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
How is this payroll software related to the classroom?
A manager needs to calculate payroll hours the same way a teacher needs to record attendance. Doing this on paper attendance sheets is limiting time for the students. Calculating this information is one thing, but it is those errors and little slip ups along the way that can do the most damage in terms of financial loss. These errors have a direct impact on the classroom and its budget, so why not work on improving accuracy immediately? And just think, for parent-teacher conferences, you can simply make reports regarding student attendance. Get more info here: Importance of Tools To Calculate Payroll Hours.
I find that online communication is very important to my students. Does Time Clock Wizard help me with this?
This payroll time clock software is the way to go! Teachers can notify students when schedules are made or changed. Additionally, teachers can receive updates via text or email when students clock in. This gives teachers an instantaneous understanding of who is on the job at any given time. Students can also request schedule changes through the software. Check out more here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
As an educator, I find many of these automated time clocks to be too expensive for our conservative budgets. Can Time Clock Wizard be worked into a request for grant funding?
Timeclock software can range from hundreds to even thousands of dollars, so it’s important to work out a budget before you request grant funds. Although this employee timeclock software is free, you should also keep in mind that the software itself will only be a portion of your overall expenses; you’ll also need to factor in things like maintenance, installation and the training of your administrators to use it. See more here: Employee Timeclock Software 101.
The school administrators are always pushing for more security. Is Time Clock Wizard secure for my students to use?
There are two main types of employee timeclock software that is used for students in lieu of attendance sheets. The first is designed to work with old-school timeclocks where students punch in with cards, codes or badges; the second complements higher-end models that come with features like bio-metric scanning and fingerprint identification. Before you start looking for software, make sure you understand exactly what kind you need to suit your existing equipment. Read more here: Employee Timeclock Software 101.
I have my students do my attendance for me. Isn’t doing this on the computer going to just take up my time?
Even with the most efficient systems in place, inaccurate attendance records done by students on paper can result in a major drain on resources. Fortunately, there are many payroll time clock software systems to help track student hours and assist with such calculations. Read more about that here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
I have tried time clock software in the past that was miserably broken. How can I be sure that Time Cock Wizard is worth the price?
You are right! There’s no use in having state-of-the-art timekeeping software if it malfunctions every other day. When shopping for a program, be sure to read its reviews from other companies and consumers. Pay particular attention to the negatives ones about employee timeclock software; those are where you’ll find the truth about how accurate, speedy and trustworthy the software really is. You can see more here: Employee Timeclock Software 101.
If this is employee payroll software, why do you recommend Time Clock Wizard for teachers?
Attending class is the training for clocking in at work. Today, with the help of modern programming technology and easily accessible internet access, Time Clock Wizard has developed an outstanding solution that everyone can take advantage of. Regardless of the size of your business, accurate and efficient tracking of employee time has never been more crucial. See more here: Clocking In At Work – Then And Now.
The school policy here is very protective of their systems. They do not want us to download any software to our computers that is not approved first. Do I need to download Time Clock Wizard to use it?
No applications to download or run. Clocking in at work and taking student attendance can be easily done with a browser. This means that you don’t have to worry about operating system restrictions. Staff members can log in from any of your pre-designated computers. For more on this, click here: Clocking In At Work – Then And Now.
How much can it be customized for your personal classroom needs?
Some programs can track arrivals and departures down to the nanosecond. Selected employee timeclock software might send you alerts if students are extending their breaks or reporting the wrong times to the computer. You’ll need to decide for yourself what level of vigilance is right for your classroom. Catch more info here: Employee Timeclock Software 101.
I had an attendance software before, but there would be a long line at the single sign in computer by the front door. How does Time Clock Wizard resolve this?
I hear ya! You were on the right track by getting rid of paper attendance sheets. Time Clock Wizard is a better method that improves upon the methods for clocking in at work. This is one of the most important features that Time Clock Wizard has. Unlike other programs, one can only clock in whenever they are in front of a computer. The developer behind Time Clock Wizard knows how important it is to track other employees working outside the classroom. More about this here: Clocking In At Work – Then And Now.
Attendance is all but ignored until one of the administrators just asks for it out of the blue. Would Time Clock Wizard be good for making my administrators happy without me losing my job?
Teachers have so many details to look at and attendance is not the biggest thing on their plate. When this is the case, it becomes even more important to efficiently record this information and have it on hand to make tweaks. Just like human resources needs to calculate payroll hours, teachers are responsible for ‘calculating learning hours’. If this information is regularly being delayed and/or incorrectly recorded, it adds unnecessary stress on the teacher as a whole. This is why paper attendance sheets should be done away with. Catch more here: Importance of Tools To Calculate Payroll Hours.
Taking attendance eats up the for 10 minutes of my class time. Is there a solution to getting attendance done fast, so I can get to lessons right away?
Administrations are always looking into ways to improve the amount of time that students are learning. The process is so very similar to how businesses calculate payroll hours that teachers should take full advantage of this software! What better way to do attendance than to go with an automated payroll calculation tool? View a lot more here: Importance of Tools To Calculate Payroll Hours.
What is the main benefit of using Time Clock Wizard?
The main benefit of this system would come in the form of the elimination of errors. Most schools do attempt to keep track of attendance numbers by way of spreadsheet or attendance sheets. However, most are not able to eliminate those pesky errors that keep on coming. Errors from humans are a part of life and when the attendance tracking is being done manually, there are going to be loopholes and/or kinks. More information is available here: Online Attendance Tracking VS Manual Spreadsheets.
I am at a loss. I need to have more time for teaching but if I take attendance, it take up too much of my time, and if I have my students do it, it is a mess! Do you have any suggestions?
Just like using an employee time clock, taking attendance means losing productive learning time. Keeping track of your students’ hours one attendance sheets is one of those seemingly minor things that can morph into a huge, complex hassle. If this is an issue you can relate to, Time Clock Wizard could prove to be an invaluable asset to your classroom. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is how you deal with them. With Time Clock Wizard, employees can send error reports from within the system if they realize they have made an incorrect entry. See more here: Employee Time Clock.
I would like to use computerized attendance software, but I am afraid it will create pushing. Is there a way to be able to fix this situation?
Do you really want your students to all check in at one specific computer? Alternately, would you like them to be able to check in from a variety of different sites or stations? Imagine having several computers that students are assigned to – just check in and get to your assigned seat fast just like several time clocks at work! With Time Clock Wizard, the choice is up to you. If you do decide to support clocking in and out from multiple locations, the software will automatically include location data in each and every entry. Here is more: Employee Time Clock.
I just got reprimanded for not releasing a child from my classroom who was supposed to go to a doctor’s appointment. Is there a way for the parents to be able to communicate their wishes better when they want time off for their child?
If parents are attached to your Time Clock Wizard, they can also locate a time sheet request through Time Clock Wizard. It is just like clocking in and out at work, and requesting ‘paid time off’ hours. The parents can request time off, and the teacher can approve it. It is way more efficient than notes passed through the school administration offices. Although nobody wants to make the mistake of forgetting to let the teacher know promptly, it does occur from time to time. Read more here at: Clocking In and Out with Time Clock Wizard.
Most attendance software runs Monday through Friday, except my school is open Monday through Thursday. Can Time Clock Wizard be customized for this?
Teachers just select a start and end date for the time frame needed, and the report is instantly generated with this payroll time clock software. This free software can also manage after school hours and expense reimbursement. Best of all, reports are automatically generated making compliance and data analysis a breeze. Catch more of this here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
As a college professor, we need to keep track of classroom hours for certain accreditation standards. Chasing down students to make sure they complete these hours by the end of the semester is a waste of my time. How would Time Clock Wizard resolve this?
If your students are aware of how much time they’ve logged for the entire semester, and if they can see where their time was spent, they can become empowered to keep up their productive classroom history, and perhaps do better. As a matter of fact, an automated attendance recorder like Time Clock Wizard allows you to view all your students in your dashboard and generate a report of classroom hours whenever you request. It is easier to make the students responsible for their time. See more here: Using an Automated Attendance Recorder for the Difference!
How do I keep track of absences properly? For example, one absence was approved ahead of time, while another absence was caused because a parent didn’t feel like bringing their child in that day.
The best time keeping software, like Time Clock Wizard, will allow you to do this easily. Figure out when your students have been absent in the past and set dates for them to be out of class in the future. There are seven categories to use in regards to what kind of absence you’re dealing with. This will allow you to quickly prepare homework packets for kids that you know are going to be missing class. Read more here: 8 Features of the Best Time Keeping Software.
I teach at a vocational school, and many of my students are collecting ‘learning hours’ away from the classroom. How can I make sure my students are not gaming the system?
You can use this feature to track the miles that they are traveling. Students will be able to clock out and in from only permitted computers or IP addresses, which can be at their work site. This is the best time keeping software as it would not interfere with the actual business, and it provides data for parents about their kid’s work performance. More here: 8 Features of the Best Time Keeping Software.
When I do Parent-Teacher Conferences, the thing that takes me the most time is organizing the attendance record for each kid. Parents can be touchy about excused absences even being mentioned, so I like to remove those. Can this time clock software help with this daunting task?
Attendance tracking is often under-appreciated by administrations around the world and is often overlooked. Yet, there are countless benefits that come with having a quality, ready-to-go-system in place that is able to keep track of attendance figures and other related information within moments. Read more here: Online Attendance Tracking VS Manual Spreadsheets.
As an administrator, how can I empower my teachers to spend more time teaching and less on things like attendance?
When attendance tracking is being done manually, it can lead to countless man hours being spent on such tasks and that can dry up financial resources in a hurry. By using a time clock system, like Time Clock Wizard, it allows for more options – like the students logging themselves in at a particular set of computers. Better yet, when it come time for reporting, your teachers only need to print out a report instead of burning the midnight oil trying to meet these attendance reporting requirements. See more at: Online Attendance Tracking VS Manual Spreadsheets.
I use a spreadsheet to do attendance and this works fine. What is the benefit of switching to a cloud-based attendance system?
Using spreadsheets may work – but isn’t it a little bit old-school to do that? In business, money and time are one in the same – therefore, and as much as possible, you must find ways to make your day more productive. The school is a business that manufactures good citizens. Spreadsheets are not easily transferable, not easily reportable, and can be corrupted easily. The best part about this software is that it is easy to implement and use. Read more here: Features To Look For In an Attendance Recording System.
The district is tightening our budget again, and we cannot even afford to purchase our attendance sheets. Is there a way to reduce the costs of getting attendance software?
For starters, you can find free to use systems that your district can benefit from. An attendance recording system is important to save teaching hours, which saves the budget. As a matter of fact, there are some programs that offer full functionality and are even better than paid ones. Make sure to pay attention to these types of programs as it can save you a lot of money. Time Clock Wizard is FREE! See more here: Features To Look For In an Attendance Recording System.
Time Clock Wizard Is Approved For Schools
Here is the main reason why you want to switch from paper attendance sheets to an automated time clock solution like Time clock Wizard. It simple SAVES you time and money. There is nothing more satisfying to everyone involved with education with having he maximum amount of time invested in your students. Time Clock Wizard is free, and it is worth taking a look at.