A daily time schedule is a core component of a business. It is good to know when you are doing a specific task and with whom. Employees rely on this schedule to know when to show up for work. Schedules help organize the work-life balance for working people.
While there are a lot of really good scheduling solutions out there, most do not meet the standards of efficiency.
Here are three areas that can be improved:
- Specific job tasks or assignments
- Schedules trading
- Meetings
In the next article, there will be three more areas of interest for improvement.
What are Differing Schedules for specific Job Tasks?
Not all job tasks are the same nor should they be paid out the same. Because of the structure of traditional schedules, it is difficult to switch between paid tasks easily.
Take for example a waitress. Her schedule will show that she needs to work from 6 to close. When she is waiting on tables, she is earning $2.33 plus tips.
However, other tasks like cleaning and rolling silverware take her away from waiting on tables. At this point, she should be getting paid the prevailing wage.
A software solution to this is Time Clock Wizard. The waitress could have the traditional schedule set up with additional instructions to use two hours for maintenance. She will be able to clock out as a waitress and clock back in as a regular employee easily.
It will be easy for management to see if their waitress is managing her time properly.
The point is that it is okay to pay different wages for different tasks. It is good to use an online time clock service like Time Clock Wizard to do so.
Do you Empower Employees to trade Schedules?
One of the most time consuming tasks is letting employees trade schedules.
Firstly, the employees need to get together to decide on a trade.
Then, they both track down the manager and interrupt his/her tasks to ask to trade shifts. Sometimes, this even involves getting human resources involved.
After everything is arranged, there is a change that one of the employees who traded forgets about the agreement. Consequently, neither person shows up to work.
Another concern is employees getting overtime in a single week doe to the traded shift.
This is an area that Time Clock Wizard can help with. The employees get together and trading schedules. The manager’s dashboard allows for a quick verification and approval of the traded schedule. The revised employee schedule is online for the employee to see.
Also, there is no ambiguity as to who is responsible for showing up for the traded shift.
What about Scheduling Paid Meetings?
Some meetings are more productive than others. By dropping the hourly rate for unproductive meetings, employees are incentivized to have efficient meetings. Employees can use Time Clock Wizard to clock out of their regular job and then clock back in as a meeting attendee.
Imagine if you could design a system where meetings were as efficient as possible because there is no incentive for long meetings. Right now, the incentive is getting away from work – like taking a mini vacation during the day.
The Daily Time Schedule
There are terrific schedulers on the market. Time Clock Wizard is innovative because it has the scheduling and payroll together in the same application. Using your management dashboard, you can easily see the metrics behind the schedules.
By using the metrics, you can easily switch hours and get coverage for peak hours of labor. You can also approve shift exchanges with just a few clicks of the mouse. The best part is that it is all contained in an application that is portable – meaning it works both on and off site.
You can start your Time Clock Wizard experience here.