Many years ago, the traditional method of employees clocking in and out of work involved using a card that was manually inserted into the clock and punched. However, as technology has progressed so have the methods used to keep track of employee time when on the job. Gone are the punch cards, replaced instead with sophisticated computer time clock software.
How To Avoid Employee Time Clock Abuse
As many employers know, there are always instances when some workers will try to clock out early, clock in or out for someone else or attempt to find some way around the system. While this has been a problem in the past, those companies who use time clock software from Time Wizard are finding out these attempts at deception are getting harder and harder to accomplish.
Perhaps the most popular feature on Time Wizard time clock software, Clockguard is a feature which allows employers to receive text and email alerts when employees clock in or out. When employees attempt to clock in too early or are clocking in late, alerts can also be received. Used by numerous employers for tracking purposes, it has proven to be very useful in reducing or eliminating various employee time issues.
Many times, employees may attempt to clock in at locations that are not authorized for them to do so. To ensure this does not happen, Time Wizard’s time clock software also includes ClockPoints. This feature ensures employees can use only the time clock specified by their employer, thus making sure they are clocking in or out at the appropriate time and place.
Always an issue for both employers and employees, scheduling to meet the needs of the workplace and workers can be difficult if not impossible at times. However, time clock software from Time Wizard can solve this problem by allowing managers to create a variety of schedules such as Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
This time clock software also allows changes to be made quickly and easily. Requests for time off, shift swaps and overtime can be incorporated into the schedules, making sure there is little if any room for miscommunication among workers and managers.
Free, Reliable Time Clock Software is for You via Time Clock Wizard
While employee honesty will always be an issue in the workplace, using these latest advances in time clock technology will make the task of clocking in and out easier than ever before. By doing so, fewer issues regarding honesty will arise, thus creating a workplace that is more relaxed and efficient.