No matter the size of your company, you need to manage your employees properly. If you do not have the right systems and tools in place, it can be a drain on your time and creativity. However, when you discover the right time management application, you will find that your entire business runs more smoothly. One of the best options available can be found at TimeClockWizard.com.
Time Clock Wizard Can Do So Much
This time tracker software has many features that allow you to easily schedule your employees, monitor their actions, and perform payroll tasks. Unlike some systems that require downloading software onto a specific computer, with Time Clock Wizard, you can access this time management application from any computer with internet access. It is compatible with all operating systems so you will never have to worry about finding and using your data.
DIY Intergration
You can manually enter the data for each of your employees if you want. However, you can provide them with a self-registration password so they can do it themselves. This password will allow them minimal access to the application. You can customize the data that the system requests and records, so that you have exactly what you need on hand.
Customized Schedules
When you are ready to create a schedule, you can customize payment rates per employee, a certain shift, certain job function or whatever your need. For instance, the pay rate may differ depending upon the job for the day. The system can also be set up so that you can copy a schedule and re-post it. Even if you do not want the exact same schedule repeated each week, having one already filled in that only requires minor adjustments can save you time.
Web Based for Easy Access
Once you have completed the schedule, you can post it online. So that your employees do not have to repeatedly check in to see if it is posted, you can alert them via email or text message. This also guarantees that they have been notified of when they are supposed to work.
What Is The Most Requested Feature in a Time Management Application?
From time to time, people want to change their schedule. Switching shifts with another employee is a common thing but, creates extra work for the person in charge of scheduling. However, the Time Clock Wizard can do it instead. The employee who wants to switch sends a message to the other person through the system. If the change is approved by all involved parties, it will automatically make the alterations to the schedule. This saves you the time and assures that employees have committed to their scheduled shifts.
Easy Payroll Requests
You can create payroll reports that include overtime and reimbursement with this online time clock. You can also use it to search for people who consistently do not clock in on time. Employees can view their own reports and you may create a report displaying an overview of all employees. Human Resources will thank you.
Maintaining smooth business operations includes making certain that your scheduling and payroll systems are up-to-date. This one allows you to perform these tasks with automated ease so you can focus on other aspects of your company.