There are two realities in business today: You need to innovate to be able to compete, or your business must have an incredibly loyal customer base to continue to be successful. One of the places where businesses are saving money and time is by getting their free account on Time Clock Wizard – the best scheduling and payroll software. Therefore, business modernization to applications that decrease overall costs and improve efficiency is the way to go.
We are looking for ways to tackle business modernization for our payroll department. Does Time Clock Wizard have any suggestions?
The best part of working is getting paid, unless you’re the one calculating payroll. The weekly, biweekly, or monthly mountain of paperwork is not only a huge hassle, but a major cost to your business. Payroll time clock software is necessary! Time card management results in lost time that could be better spent managing other tasks and problems. Inevitable errors take time and money to correct. Read more here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
I am not looking for software that I need to download and plug up my system. Is Time Clock Wizard cloud-based?
It is cloud-based! Unlike some systems that require downloading software onto a specific computer, with Time Clock Wizard, you can access this time management application from any computer with internet access. This free application is allowing companies to modernize faster. See more about this here Using This Time Management Application.
We do not have a typical Monday Thru Friday operation. We work 3 days on and 3 days off. I am looking for a software that can handle the weird schedule and handle expenses and calculate overtime. Is Time Clock Software a good choice for my business?
Yes it is. Managers just select a start and end date for the pay period and the report is instantly generated with this payroll time clock software – the most modern of its kind. The software can also manage overtime hours and expense reimbursement. Best of all, reports are automatically generated making compliance and data analysis a breeze. Want to know more? Click here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
I work for an independent health care facility. The most difficult thing is trying to find employees – especially those that float. How can Time Clock Wizard help me find employees in a hurry?
Clocking in and out should be as modern as possible; this is an area where business struggle to adapt! Those in managerial positions can easily use the software in order to find out who is on the clock and where they are supposed to be stationed. This can be a real time saver when an employee is needed quickly. Get more info here: Clocking In and Out with Time Clock Wizard.
Our business fluctuates with the amount of work available for our workers. This means that schedules can change at a moment’s notice. How can Time Clock Wizard help us?
You are right! Having a modern payroll time clock software application seems like the perfect fit for you.Your managers can notify employees when schedules are made or changed. Additionally, managers can receive updates via text or email when employees clock in or out. This gives managers an instantaneous understanding of who is on the job at any given time. Another benefit is that employees can also request a shift switch through the software. Get more information here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
I am a work at home mother with a modern cleaning business. We manage employees via Facebook, which is not very efficient. I saw a post and wanted to know: Is Time Clock Wizard good for my business type?
Some employees require leaving the home or office. Whether it is a client meeting or something that involves going out of town, being able to record their attendance is very crucial. Find an attendance recording system which allows mobile access – this way, your employees, and even yourself, can track your hours and see where your time went even if away from your desk. One huge benefit that Time Clock Wizard has for you is that the employee time logs can be used later for time disputes with customers. Learn more here: Features To Look For In an Attendance Recording System.
So, what is it like to use Time Clock Wizard? Is it easy?
The system is easy to use – it was designed in a modern way to improve pitfalls of previous systems. Clocking in and out should be almost instantaneous between all employees to get the most amount of labor output. When you or one of your employees logs in, the first thing you will see is the dashboard. This screen is easy to use and you can readily locate all of the information you require at a glance. It will show your schedule, what hours you have worked during this pay period, and any requests that you have made. See more here: Clocking In and Out with Time Clock Wizard.
What is one thing that I can do right now to help my business make money?
The goal for any business is to have almost everything as systematic and automated as possible. Businesses that use such systems to keep track of their attendance numbers are always able to progress faster. When employees are not being kept track of, it can lead to inefficiencies appearing in the business. That is why leveraging a free software application like Time Clock Wizard can save money. Read more here: Online Attendance Tracking VS Manual Spreadsheets.
Why is doing payroll on paper so difficult? We have been doing it this way since the company opened.
Errors from humans are a part of life and when the attendance tracking is being done manually, there are going to be loopholes and/or kinks in the process. Being that Time Clock Wizard is free software, there is a real chance to modernize your business. At the very least, give the software a chance to show you what you have been missing! See more here: Online Attendance Tracking VS Manual Spreadsheets.
What is something modern that you can use Time Clock Wizard for?
With a really well-constructed implementation, Time Clock Wizard even becomes a scheduling program, forecasting future work as well as recording work that’s already been done. A standardized, fully integrated online solution takes almost all of the guesswork out of the timekeeping and attendance process. Get more info here: Accurate Timekeeping and Attendance Records Tools.
I have a small business. I cannot afford an accountant to handle this payroll, so I usually do it myself. Is Time Clock Wizard really free and easy to use?
Most companies can’t afford the hiring of an experienced, full time accountant. This shouldn’t be necessary as long as you can find something online that records attendance, allows employers to set employee scheduling and even compute payroll according to hours worked. Time Clock Wizard is a free attendance recording system that will fulfill the duties of several employees. Even more here: Features To Look For In an Attendance Recording System.
My company is expanding soon. This time last year, HR was a mess from trying to enter in all of the data for the gaggle of new hires. I hear that Time Cock Wizard lets the employees fill in their own information. How does that work?
Learning how to use new software is an important part of business modernization. You can manually enter the data for each of your employees if you want (if you didn’t have anything else better to do – like anything else more fun!) However, you can provide them with a self-registration password so they can do it themselves. This password will allow them minimal access to the application. You can customize the data that the system requests and records, so that you have exactly what you need on hand. Not bad for a free time management application. Read more here: Using This Time Management Application.
Our business is about 85% college students with very mixed schedules. A business colleague suggested Time Clock Wizard to handle this. How does Time Clock Wizard solve this issue?
If you have employees that are not regularly available at certain times, for example while they are in school, you can ensure they are never scheduled during those times. Clocking in and out for their shifts would be very simple via their phones. Also, Time Clock Wizard is a free tool for schedule notifications, trading shifts and other HR issues that come up! More reading here: Clocking In and Out with Time Clock Wizard.
How can I keep my employees from hanging out around human resources waiting for payroll issues to get resolved?
Timekeeping and attendance is only a small part of what human resources does during the day – and yet, this is the reason for most headaches. So much time is wasted taking care of each request. Built-in communications features mean that employees can help the payroll team resolve errors right inside the timekeeping software, keeping all associated data inside the system. See more here: Accurate Timekeeping and Attendance Records Tools.
If Time Clock Wizard is web based, what is to stop an employee from logging in from home?
That is a good question! Even with the most efficient systems in place, inaccurate reporting by unscrupulous employees can result in a major drain on resources. Fortunately, there are many payroll time clock software systems to help track employee hours and assist with payroll calculations. Managers can set the clock in stations to a particular IP address making Time Clock Wizard the software for business modernization. See more here: Optimized Payroll Time Clock Software.
I need to trim my budget somewhere. I was told that Time Clock Wizard can replace my payroll staff. Is this true?
From easily and quickly capturing information for reports to tracking billable expenses, this is a web timeclock with a level of detail that will match any operation without the man hours once required to manage even the smallest staff. This web timeclock is to payroll what speech synthesis is to Suri – you’ll wonder why you did not get this software before. Being free as well, most businesses would find great benefit from using Time Clock Wizard. Read more here: Web Timeclock To Save Time and Money.
Can you tell me more about Time Clock Wizard with regards to security?
This computerized payroll system uses no physical timecards or timesheets; therefore, an employee cannot misplace a timesheet with confidential information of it in the wrong place. All information is stored on a secure server, and the data is routinely backed up. There is no risk of a loss in data. As far as business modernization, Time Clock Wizard is a free and secure application. Get the scoop here: Why A Computerized Payroll System Is Just Better.
Business Modernization Is Made Possible With Time Clock Wizard
For every invention, there is the next generation behind it. Time Clock Wizard stands on the shoulders of previous time clock software applications improving many things people requested. Because of this, this software application takes care of so many aspects of HR, payroll, time management and more. This free software then starts to replace the tasks of staff making your whole office more productive and efficient. Business modernization with Time Clock Wizard is simple to use.