TCW’s Free State Wage Calculators Make Payroll a Snap
All Plans Have A 14-Day Trial. No Credit Cards Required.
Are you spending too much time working on your company payroll? If so, you can streamline the payroll process with one of TCW’s free state wage calculators.
Paying your employees accurately, on-time, and with the proper taxes taken out has to be a priority, right? Your company will only go as far as your people take it, after all, and employees who are constantly frustrated with unnecessary payroll disputes will be less productive than those who aren’t.
That’s all there is to it, really. Accurate paychecks or direct deposits that are delivered on time are non-optional in a business world that’s now based on a ‘what’s in it for me’ rationale. In short, companies who wish to thrive must find a solution to the perennial problems that so often accompany the payroll process.
If It’s Not One Problem, Then It’s Another
On the other hand, you have to be efficient at all times. Your managers just don’t have time to deal with clumsy spreadsheets, mathematical mistakes, and tax withholding issues. They need an easy yet error-free way to get their people paid without a hitch. Otherwise, you’ll have long lines in front of your payroll office every other week and a turnover rate that no company can afford.
Without a solution to the ongoing payroll problem, you’re certain to end up losing your competitive edge. Once this happens, your company will find itself at the bottom of the heap with nowhere to go but further down. But don’t worry– it’s not all doom and gloom on the payroll front. Time Clock Wizard has just the middle of the road solution you need. Now, let’s have a look at what our menu of free wage calculators can do to make your life easier.

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Free State Salary Calculators
First, we have our free state salary calculators. These can be used to calculate your salaried employees net pay without much in the way of effort on your part. Each one is driven by a tax engine that’s customized to work for all 50 states. We’re certain that one will solve the payroll problem for you no matter where your business is headquartered.
These calculators will help ensure that your salaried employees get paid accurately every time payday comes around. All that’s required on your end is to input a few numbers along with the applicable federal, state, and local tax information. Once this is done, the only thing left to pay your salaried people correctly is to click a few buttons.
Free State Hourly Calculators
Time Clock Wizard has wage calculators for your hourly employees as well. Just like you saw with our salary calculators, our hourly calculators are rigorously tested for accuracy and speed. They’re also both designed to fit the tax codes of all 50 states. Most importantly of all, it won’t take long for you to see what time-savers our hourly calculators are. All your managers have to do is input a bit of employee information. After that, our hourly calculators do the rest.
These hourly calculators use an up-do-date tax database to withhold the right amount of federal, state, and local taxes no matter how often your employees get paid. The end result is just the solution you’ve been looking for – accurate payroll with minimal effort.
For Companies Who Need a Little Bit More
We strongly encourage you to try our wage calculators for a while. They’re all free to use, accurate, and reliable, so why not see how well TCW’s wage calculators meet your company’s needs? We’re certain they’ll be an improvement over the spreadsheet method that so many companies continue to use.
However, growing companies often find that these calculators just aren’t comprehensive enough to fit their evolving needs. Fortunately, we have a solution for these companies as well. This solution comes in the form of Time Clock Wizard’s all-in-one employee management software. From remote time and location tracking to generating payroll and more, this advanced set of HR tools really can do it all.
But you don’t have to take our word for it. We’re more than happy to let you take our customized software for a test drive. We could talk all day about its impressive array of features, but you won’t know how effective TCW’s software is until you use it for a while. Do yourself a huge favor and sign up for your free trial today.
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