Bi-Weekly Timesheet Templates
Many companies pay their employees every other week. In fact, it’s one of the most commonly used methods in the American business world. To take full advantage of this practice, however, it’s imperative that you calculate your payroll quickly and accurately. The biweekly timesheets at the bottom of this page are available for free download in the Excel, PDF, and Word formats.
Using Bi-Weekly Timesheet Templates
There are a number of different timesheet templates that managers can use to save time and effort while generating accurate company payroll. In addition to the daily, weekly, and monthly templates you might have encountered, Time Clock Wizard also offers four types of free biweekly templates for your convenience.
As a payroll manager, you probably already know that each type of timesheet template has its own unique set of benefits. For many companies, the chief benefit of bi-weekly templates is that you only have to use them to generate paychecks twice a month. In other words, they save you significantly more time than daily or weekly timesheets.
The downside to biweekly timesheets is that they don’t give the quick, up-close view of labor costs that weekly and daily timesheets afford. However, a little extra effort will yield the fine-grained analyses you need and this slight drawback doesn’t prevent most companies from using bi-weekly timesheets for both hourly employees and outside contractors.
The Perfect Timesheet For Every Situation
Below, you’ll find four types of free downloadable biweekly timesheet templates. Each is ideal for a different type of work situation and is available in Excel, PDF, and Word formats. As you’ll see in the individual descriptions, the Excel format gives you access to the most useful features, but the PDF and Word versions will certainly prove useful as well.
The best choice of biweekly timesheets depends on the type of worker you’re dealing with and your company’s situation. A brief examination of the four types will tell you everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Downloadable Excel, PDF and Word Templates
Bi-Weekly Payroll Sheet
Features of this spreadsheet:
- Spans two weeks.
- Includes spaces for up to 40 employees’ names, ID numbers, hourly rates, overtime rates, hours and PTO.
- End date, payment for employee regular hours and overtime, and total paid to all employees calculated automatically.
- User must fill in start date, hourly rates for both regular and overtime, and all hours worked.
- Areas with a green background are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet version.
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Download Editable Version Excel
Download Editable Version Word Format
Freelance Biweekly
Features of this spreadsheet:
- You enter the number of hours worked (e.g. 8.0) rather than hours being calculated based on start- and end-times.
- The timesheet calculates overtime pay automatically.
- Areas with a blue background are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet version (dates, total hours, etc.)
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Download Editable Version Excel
Download Editable Version Word Format
Biweekly Timesheet (horizontal orientation, work hours entered directly)
Features of this spreadsheet:
- Spans two weeks. Calculations assume that the week starts on a Sunday.
- You enter the number of hours worked (e.g. 8.0) rather than hours being calculated based on start- and end-times.
- The timesheet calculates overtime pay automatically.
- Overtime is calculated on a daily basis; overtime rate is applied to hours in a given day that exceed the user-defined threshold for the day (e.g. over 8 hours).
- Days are oriented horizontally.
- Areas with a blue background are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet version (dates, total hours, etc.)
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Download Editable Version Excel
Download Editable Version Word Format
Biweekly Multiple-Employee Timesheet, 1 work period
Features of this spreadsheet:
- Tracks the workweek of multiple employees on one sheet.
- Spans two weeks. Calculations assume that the week starts on a Sunday.
- You enter the time of day that the employee starts and leaves work (eg 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM). The number of hours worked each day is calculated.
- No automatic calculation of overtime.
- Days are oriented vertically.
- Areas with a blue background are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet version (dates, total hours, etc.)
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Download Editable Version Excel
Download Editable Version Word Format